
Version 4 (modified by Administrator, 5 years ago) ( diff )

CAE configuration file

Cinnamon Asynchronous Engine (CAE) is a flexible framework for asynchronous, server-based tasks. The functionality CAE should load and the exact behaviour are highly configurable. The configuration is maintained in a file CinnamonAsynchronousEngine.config.xml residing in CAE's program folder on the server.

The following shows the content of a simple configuration file, referencing only Open Source plugins:

  <log enablefile="false" enableconsole="false">/opt/cae/log</log>
    <task name="summary_writer" assembly="CinnamonAEResources" type="StandardTaskDefinitions.SummaryWriter">
        <!-- summary writer configuration-->
    <task name="wf_task_dispatcher" assembly="WorkflowEngine" type="AETaskDefinitions.WFTaskDispatcher">
        <!-- summary writer configuration-->
    <task name="wf_auto_task_runner" assembly="WorkflowEngine" type="AETaskDefinitions.WFAutoTaskRunner">
        <!-- summary writer configuration-->
    <!-- other tasks -->
  <repository id="demo" name="demo">
    <server id="content" name="content">https:/</server>
    <thread_wait milliseconds="5000" />
    <jobs active="false">
    <objects active="true">
      <query batch_size="100">
        <BooleanQuery minimumNumberShouldMatch="1">
          <Clause occurs="should">
            <TermQuery fieldName="metadatachanged">true</TermQuery>
          <Clause occurs="should">
            <TermQuery fieldName="contentchanged">true</TermQuery>
        <task name="summary_writer" />
        <task name="wf_task_dispatcher" />
        <task name="wf_auto_task_runner" />
    <folders active="false">
      <query batch_size="100">
        <TermQuery fieldName="metadatachanged">true</TermQuery>

Inside the root element, there are three second-level elements:

  • log, defining the logging behaviour.
  • tasks, defining the task classes and their configurations (the configuration was replaced with a comment). The same class can be loaded multiple times with a different name.
  • repository, defining the CAE login information and the task definitions to be applied.
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