
Version 4 (modified by Boris Horner, 3 years ago) ( diff )

Update from build 167

  • Create required index type and index item:

    NOTE: Make sure that the ids specified in the insert statement (100000, 100001 in the example) do not yet exist in the table in question. Make sure that the ids in the index item search_condition refer to DITAmap, DITA and XML formats.

    INSERT INTO index_types (id, data_type, indexer_class, name, obj_version, va_provider_class) VALUES (100000, 'STRING', 'cinnamon.index.indexer.ElementNameIndexer', '', 0, 'cinnamon.index.valueAssistance.DefaultProvider');
    INSERT INTO index_items (id, fieldname, for_content, for_metadata, for_sys_meta, multiple_results, name, obj_version, search_string, systemic, va_params, index_group_id, index_type_id, search_condition, store_field) VALUES (100001, 'xml.element', true, false, false, true, 'xml.element', 0, '-', false, '<vaParams/>', 54, 100000, 'count(/sysMeta/object/format[id=2 or id=17 or id=18])=1', true);
  • Restart tomcat:
    service tomcat restart
  • Force reindex. You can limit reindex to the above formats by appending:
    where format_id=2 or format_id=17 or format_id=18

to the query.

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